Monday, October 03, 2005


When I was 50 I was in law school. Actually went as a sort of sabbatical from psychology. I had an interest in things legal - i.e. I was a legal junkie - lived in D.C. and it was more or less unavoidable. So when D.C. opted to revive Antioch as a public law school - I went... Anyway the point is that around then my son, who was not yet a teen, had to write an essay for a class and he chose to write about me - I forget what the actual essay was about but it ended with a sentence like "My mother just turned 50 and she still doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up!"

How right he was. Now I am 65 - I gave up both the practice of psychology and the law and went back to teaching and writing - activities I did when I was a lot younger - I also market glyconutrients... so am I an adult? To me I am still growing - still making transitions. I moved across the country too - away from all my friends and an almost lifetime of being an east coast person.. why? I was ready for another major transition. Will I stay here? Will I continue writing and teaching? I have no idea and that's what makes life so interesting - we CAN change and grow - right up to death I guess...