Thursday, March 16, 2006

New Readings

The other day I read an article that raised the possibility of our living to 150! That we are living longer is clear - but how long the human body can ultimately live is an open question - but one that needs study.

We have begun welcoming the so-called "baby boomers" into the aging adult group. What will we call the group of us who are living well past 100? Or those of us over 65 who are still active? How about the over 75's ? Elderly is now seen as a "bad" word - Senior citizens? Honored citizens? Why have names for groups at all? All names carry baggage in that they come with fairly negative connotations.

So what will today's baby boomers be called in 25 years? Elderly baby boomers? [ugh] Sometimes I wonder why we just can't call ages by the numbers : ) Are we afraid the number might scare readers and make advertisers avoid that group?

Then I read that the increased need for oxygen in sedentary adults in their 60's and 70's to perform the same exercise as a younger person is not a given. This result was changed by - guess what? regular exercise.

So putting 2 and 2 together - we can live longer and we can live better - but we need to take some control over our own beings.

Food for thought.

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