Monday, January 16, 2006


Do adults keep changing? Of course they's only our kids who don't like us to change and that's only when they are youngish.

Can't teach an old dog new tricks? Nonsense. Who said that? Probably some young person who was mad at his parents or teachers and saw them as "stuck." Some people are stuck - but they need not be old - they can be very young.... Being 'stuck' is an issue n matter how old you are...

How about "You're never too old to learn"? I like that one better...after all I was a therapist and you can't do that if you think people are not capable of changing...

So why do many think of older adults as stuck and incapable of learning? Probably somewhere they met an older person who was not interested in change. Well - whether or not you are open to change is a personal choice. I personally believe that openness is a quality to encourage but I understand those who do not like change. When people get older they seem less able to adapt to major changes. I'm not sure if that is true only of those 90-year-olds I knew or knew of or if it's a 90-year-old "thing." But it has led me to discuss those issues with my son and it has led me to keep on learning and trying to keep up with newer technology.

Next on my toy list is an I Pod : )

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